Collection of articles and essays on various topics from a (somewhat) American point of view, including religion, culture, and the workplace. Topic areas are listed below. Click on them for a complete list of articles in each. These are my experiences and opinions, nothing more. Please take what you can use and leave the rest.
Thank you for stopping by.
They say it can’t be won,
Jackson Browne – The Boulevard
The way the game is run,
But if you choose to stay,
You end up playing anyway.

A series of articles that explore the darker sides of American religious groups, including cult-like behavior and personality disordered religious leaders.

Sometimes the people who hurt you the most are those closest to you. Either by chance or by worming their way into your life for the explicit purpose of using you. These articles expose their tactics and behavior.

Jordan Peterson stated, “65% of managers add zero or negative net value to the company. They can wipe out the careers of everyone they are supervising. They can also bring down the whole damn company.” These articles examine these types of managers.

Corporation or cult? Manager, or conformist sycophant? Leader or malignant manipulator. Exploring some of the darker aspects of the corporate world.

Collection of observations and thoughts living in this wonderful nation.

Moving from the West to live in a different culture on the other side of the world has opened my eyes to the many differences in thinking and world views. Some of these differences surprised me. They were inside me and I didn’t even know I had them. Other differences were not my own, so I had to either embrace or live with them. All were educational.

Articles that don’t quite fit anywhere else.

A small collection of military historical articles.

Does America even have a culture? Or is it just a set of often conflicting political ideologies? Here are some thoughts on the subject.

Some dark truths about the shattered institution of marriage in the USA.

The American legal system is massively biased against men. Here are some real life examples.

Stories, vignettes and accounts of various types of toxic behavior from people or toxic environments created by them.