Some dark truths about the shattered institution of marriage in the USA. There is nothing biblical about marriage in the United States. It is just an irrevocable trust with the man as the grantor, the woman as the beneficiary, and the government as the trustee. The trust is payable in full from the man to the woman whenever the woman is “not happy.” Transfer of assets is enforced by uniformed personnel from the government under threat of forceful imprisonment.

What has been my experience courting and marrying an American woman? Well, here it is. I was bait-and-switched by an covert radical feminist way back in my teens and early twenties … over forty years ago

The “crock pot” myth is built into many facets of Western society. In a nutshell, the myth states that that men are always ready for intimacy, but women have to warm up to it. The premise is that a man must romance a woman all day, perhaps all week, with attention, gifts and physical labor, in order to have even a small chance at intimacy.

American men marrying single mothers. Noble, or stupid? Savior, or volunteer cuckhold? Kind benefactor, or ATM machine? Appreciated, or taken for granted? Those are all emotional views of the dynamic. What could or should happen, good or bad. What about the practical view? What really happens?