During my visits to the Philippines, I saw many age gap relationships between older (usually Western) men and Filipinas. Nobody bats an eye, which is very different from the West.
In the egalitarian West, any type of relationship is encouraged and applauded. Men with men. Women with women. Women with younger men. Men with men who think they are women. Women with men who think they are women. Men with women who think they are men. Women with women who think they are men. Men who think they are both man and woman with women who think they are both man and woman. People marrying their pets. People marrying holograms. People marrying household appliances. People marrying themselves. The sky is the limit. In fact, relationships between older women and younger men are glorified in the West.
Wait a minute, though. One type of relationship is still vilified and condemned in the West. A relationship between an older man and a younger woman. When that happens, Westerners react as though some type of heinous and disgusting crime has been committed, never mind that the most egregious perversions are encouraged and applauded in the West. They cannot even define the “crime,” much less provide legal or moral reasons why it would be a crime. They are 100% certain however, that a crime has been committed. A relationship between these two categories of consenting adults is considered wrong. Imagine if a man had written this statement the way a woman wrote it in the linked article. I’m a 52-year-old divorcee and assumed I’d be dating boring old [women]… but hot [girls] in their 20s can’t get enough of me. He would be vilified and condemned, yet she is glorified.
People in the West have no problem sticking their unsolicited noses into these relationships to try to break them up. They see it as their moral obligation. Ironic, in a society utterly without morals that loudly trumpets tolerance for everything, including killing their own unborn children. I have personally witnessed complete strangers (usually women) walk up to an age gap couple in public and start encouraging the woman to dump the man, while simultaneously attempting to shame the man with personal attacks.
Why do they do this? Simple. It is purely misandry. It is a hatred of men and a desire to destroy anything positive in a man’s life.
The many Western opponents cry out that women in their 20s are not mentally or emotionally equipped for a relationship with an older man. They claim the older man is a predator who manipulates and controls her. Ironically, these same people see nothing wrong with a 6-year-old girl deciding independently to have gender reassignment surgery, or a 13-year-old girl having an abortion without the consent or knowledge of her parents. Of course, this same group also believes that the same girl, once she reaches age 20, does not have the mental capacity to understand the student loan she is assuming or enter into a consenting relationship with an adult male. Some of these same people are even pushing to lower the age of consent for minors. Are you detecting a pattern of completely random illogic here? I am. That is because the goal is not logic. It is to assign any and all fault or responsibility to the man only. If there is no fault, they will create fault out of thin air. Schrödinger’s Feminist.
Here is the question I pose to you. Why can a healthy man father children well into his 70s or 80s, while a woman’s ability to bear children drops off sharply after age 35? After age 40, it becomes almost impossible without complex and expensive medical intervention. Past age 50, forget it. It would seem that science strongly favors a relationship between an older man and a younger woman. Let’s look at this dynamic through both the secular and religious lenses.
If men fathering children until old age, and women losing the ability to give birth young, was a failed evolutionary strategy, it would have died out long ago. Therefore, it has evolutionary value because it works. I have heard opponents rant that it is “so the species won’t die out.” Think about it. If that were the case, it would be exactly the opposite. Women being able to give birth into old age, because it only takes one man to impregnate dozens of women. No, that argument fails. Arguments of it being harder on the body for a woman to bear a child than a man to create one are spurious. While true, evolution would have taken care of that if it was optimal. Clearly, it did not. So, evolution clearly supports the efficacy of an older man with a younger woman. As Aristotle stated, “Nature does nothing uselessly.”
Biblical Creation
What about biblical morality? Abraham fathered Ishmael with Hagar when he was 86 and she was far younger than him. Isaac and much younger Rebekkah. Judah and much younger Tamar. Eighty-year-old Boaz and forty-year-old Ruth. David and Bathsheba. God used all these age-gap relationships to implement His divine plans, creating great nations from all of them. The last four even formed the lineage of Jesus, the King and Messiah. You can denigrate and condemn all you want. God clearly sees nothing wrong with using an age gap relationship to implement His plans. You cannot derive any sort of moral stance on this from the Bible.
The “Gold Digger” Misdirection
A common spurious argument leveled against these younger women, and by extension against their older male husbands or boyfriends, is that the women are gold diggers. This comes mostly from shrill Western women shouting, “She only wants you for your money.” Not only does this have nothing to do with the question of morality or law, it is high hypocrisy. Even the most hard bitten and materialistic foreign women are usually satisfied with far less of the money and resources Western women demand as their due and use the Western family court system to extract from the men unfortunate enough to have married them. Western women are by far the most materialistic and expensive women on the planet.
Personal Anecdote
My friend Jake is a retired Army veteran who served over 20 years and saw combat. After leaving the Army, some of Jake’s fellow Army veterans started swinging farther and farther left in their ideology. Jake was slightly right of center, but mostly apolitical. He did not support or align himself with either political party or side of the spectrum. One of Jake’s closest friends was another soldier with whom he had served together several times over the course of his career. His friend was very liberal and very outspoken about it. Their friendship was important to Jake so he never engaged in political discussions, only made statements empathizing with is friend’s obvious distress over whatever political issue was troubling him at the moment. The two got along well and never had any arguments. Jake recently married a younger, foreign woman. He sent a wedding photo to his friend … who promptly blocked him.
We can only guess as to why, but three possible things come to mind just from having sent one picture. First, that Jake got married at all. That seems a stretch, as his friend was married too. Second, that Jake married someone of a different race. That is also doubtful, as his friend was also in a multi-racial marriage. Third, and most likely, is that his friend took such great offense to Jake’s age gap relationship that he decided to cut all ties with his friend of 35 years. Ironically, his friend had also been removed from command and Army active duty in the past for adultery. Jake never held this against him. The friend trying to play the morality card was highly hypocritical.
Almost every instance I have seen of such age gap bigotry comes from people claiming to be liberals or progressives. Yes, there have been a few conservatives, but all have been religious fundamentalists or some sort and edge cases. Ironically, the progressive ideology of tolerance and acceptance is the most bigoted towards relationships between an older man and a younger woman. Hypocrites.
Just admit it already, Westerners. Many of you are bigots fueled by your own personal emotions and ideological misandry. There is nothing logical, legal, or moral about your views or arguments, just personal prejudice. It is nothing more than bigotry. At least have the intellectual honesty to admit that.