Even in clear-cut cases of innocence, social services and police fabrication, along with prosecutorial misconduct, have convinced many people in society to choose to accept injustice as necessary … I’m sure their beliefs would change quickly if they themselves, or one of their loved ones, were wrongly accused.
Kim Hart, Trial Consultant
American popular culture is replete with examples of aggressive, predatory men taking advantage of and abusing women. So much that it is mostly assumed impossible for the opposite to happen. The courts and mainstream society quickly dismiss that there is any way a woman could possibly abuse a man and reject anyone who claims this has happened. However, there is a small but ever-growing group of more enlightened people who not only admit this happens, but also recognize the threat it represents. A significant number of lives are destroyed by women without conscience, who enjoy the full “protection” of the law while committing their deceitful, destructive and even illegal acts. Jason’s story is just one of such.
False Charges
Jason was charged with sexual assault, without a shred of evidence, based solely on the false accusations of a woman with whom he was in a relationship. Just one woman’s word. There were no witnesses. The test kit was negative, and there was no corroborating evidence of any sort. The woman used the time Jason was held by the police to clean out his assets to which she had access and then disappeared without a trace. A restraining order prevented Jason from searching for her to attempt to recover any of it. It was clearly part of a (successful) attempt to defraud, but the authorities remained blind to this.
Jason was vilified in the newspapers and his mugshot was posted on various internet sites. He was unable to find a place to live, because nobody would rent to him. He was required to wear an ankle monitor for two years, because his accuser had lied that he had friends in Mexico where he could flee and hide. He knew nobody in Mexico, but the authorities made no effort to determine whether this was true. The judge simply rubber-stamped and signed off on whatever the district attorney placed before him. Jason was required to pay a weekly fee for the ankle monitor or else go to jail. He had to plug in the ankle monitor for 8 hours per day without being able to take it off, tied to an 8-foot radius from the electrical outlet. He was not allowed to do this while sleeping and the monitoring service checked for signs of this. The monitor charger was a piece of junk and broke regularly. Each time, Jason had to pay hundreds of dollars for a new one. The ankle monitor business is a very lucrative racket. The restraining order prevented him from even seeing his children. All of this without even having gone to trial yet, much less being convicted.
The Authorities
The police and district attorney were not in the least bit interested in determining guilt or innocence. They only cared about getting another conviction. To this end, they only sought (or fabricated) information that could secure a conviction and ignored any information that would prove innocence. They energetically located some of Jason’s enemies, the names of whom were generously provide by his accuser, asking them to help put Jason in prison. They did not appear interested whether the statements of these people were true or false and made no effort to corroborate them. They also hounded Jason’s family and friends, lying to them by saying Jason already had several sexual assault convictions and urging them to help get this “dangerous predator” off the streets. Jason’s sole “conviction” his entire life had been one speeding ticket. Some of Jason’s friends and family, horrified by this “revelation” and angry that Jason had “covered it up” willingly helped the district attorney. Jason’s own son, coached by the prosecutors, provided false statements because he was so angry at his father. None of the false testimonies even came close to being similar, but that was irrelevant as well.
Prosecutors released documents to the public containing false statements from Jason’s accuser alleging he committed all kinds of deviant, disgusting and illegal sexual acts. Once again, no attempt was made by the prosecutors or police to confirm any of this was true before releasing it to the public and making it a part of the public record.
Police and investigators continued to hound the people who stood by Jason, even sending Child Protective Services to investigate them and make veiled threats about taking their children away if they did not testify on behalf of the prosecution. Investigators from the district attorney’s office would regularly call these people to harass and threaten them. When complaints were filed, the district attorney claimed that it was not their people doing this, but rather private investigators (who worked for the district attorney’s office). They use this tactic to avoid prosecutorial misconduct charges. The investigators are not prosecutors. One very brave man stood fast against them, hiring his own attorney to fight the matter and finally expose what was going on. After that the harassment stopped, but nothing was done to those who perpetrated it. The judge quashed all attempts.
Police raided a friend’s apartment where Jason was staying, without a warrant, and coerced him into letting them in. The apartment wasn’t even in Jason’s name, so they had no probable cause to raid it. They found no evidence against him there. When Jason’s attorney filed a complaint and tried to issue subpoenas to discover who had illegally ordered this violation of Jason’s rights and the rights of the apartment owner, the judge quashed all efforts and covered for the culpable individuals in the district attorney’s office and police department. Indeed, the judge was never impartial, always covering for and aiding the district attorney’s office for two years.
Justice, or Not
After Jason’s charges were finally dismissed two years later due to lack of evidence, the arrest record in his name remained. The district attorney’s office would not expunge it “in case they decide to try him again in the future.” He was still unable to rent a place to live or purchase a firearm. Employer background checks showed the arrest for the false charges, but nobody cared to scroll through the pages to find the dismissal. People felt that where there is smoke, there is fire, and Jason was vilified repeatedly for something he didn’t do.
Jason spent over $300,000 in attorney’s fees to defend against these false allegations and stay out of a jail cell while he was awaiting trial. The accuser never showed up again, having blown town long ago with a significant amount of Jason’s bank account, his vehicle and valuable property. The district attorney kept scheduling trials every few months, only to postpone again on the day of the trial. This cost Jason tens of thousands of dollars each time. The judge was unsympathetic to his plight and granted whatever the district attorney wanted. Jason had to sell his home, which was paid for, and lost most of his retirement fund to pay for all this. No restitution was made nor was any attempt made to hold his accuser accountable for the false charges. Jason’s mugshot and charges remained on various websites, many of which tried to extort large sums of money to have the information removed. The authorities turn a blind eye to this, not caring about the lives that are destroyed. There is no concept of innocent until proven guilty. As a man you are assumed guilty – good luck trying to prove yourself innocent – and even if you do, the record of false accusations remain. Nobody cares.
Misandrist Legal Bias
There is a blatant bias against men in accusations such as this. You very rarely see this happen to a woman when a man makes false accusations against her. In fact, you rarely see men making false accusations against women at all. I know there are men who are guilty of actual crimes against women. I condemn both them and their actions. However, this does not justify authorities lying, deceiving and fabricating evidence to put an innocent man in prison. All I am saying is, do your job police and prosecutors. Today, you are no better than the criminals. You are just lawful evil, versus their un-lawful evil. Stop playing the numbers game to secure convictions no matter what. Do some actual investigating to determine guilt … or innocence. You have changed drastically from what you used to be and no longer have a shred of integrity or character. You are simply corrupt and evil people who operate under the cover of the very written law you twist and pervert.
This existing legal bias against men makes it extremely easy for women with narcissistic or psychopathic personality disorders (no conscience + high ego) to weaponize the legal system against men by filing false charges and/or portraying themselves as the “poor victims” after defrauding and destroying men’s lives. Jason is just one example of many. The witless authorities play into the hands of these women almost every time, giving them a carte blanche to lie, deceive and destroy. It will not change until police, prosecutors and judges take the time to educate themselves on this dynamic, instead of arrogantly assuming they know it all. While more men exist with these personality disorders, they are not able to use the legal system as effectively as a tool to hurt others to the same extent as their female counterparts.
Jason did not even have the option to sue his accuser for the false charges that ruined him financially, robbed him of two years of his life and destroyed his reputation. It is not permitted to take legal action against a “victim.” A victim in name only who weaponizes the police and legal system to defraud and engage in personal vendetta. A victim who is automatically granted that special, protected status just because she is a woman. A man would never receive this automatic status because, according to our culture and legal system, it is impossible for a man to be a victim. Ancient biblical commandments require that a person who falsely accuses another in court serve the same sentence that the person they accused would have served if they had been guilty. By this standard, Jason’s accuser should have served up to 20 years in prison. Archaic and outdated principle? Perhaps, but it would give a lot of today’s false accusers cause to think carefully before they falsely accuse.
Jason has since moved on. He changed his name and moved to another state. Some of his family and friends are still estranged, finding it difficult to walk back from what happened and admit that they tried to help having him falsely imprisoned. There is still an air of “he wouldn’t have been arrested if he didn’t do it” about them. Some of the people reading this undoubtedly feel the same. Pray the day never comes when you find yourself in a jail cell for something you didn’t do. Jason doesn’t really want anything to do with his estranged family and friends anymore either, wondering what kind of relationship was ever there given that they had been willing to give up on him so fast the moment they believed something negative occurred. I can sympathize. I certainly don’t want people like that in my life either, family or not.
Jason stated, “I had never been in trouble with the law. I was burglarized three times and the police did nothing. My car was broken into four times and the police did nothing. I was physically assaulted three times and the police did nothing. I was the victim of credit fraud and forgery twice and the police did nothing. Then I was falsely accused one time and the police mobilized all their resources for two years to push past my innocence and judge me guilty outside of the judicial process. Do I mistrust the police and the justice system? That would be a mild understatement.”
Jason says, “There is no way I am getting into another relationship again. There are women out there who portray themselves to be different from who they truly are, just to get leverage to use a man. It is almost impossible to tell a person’s true intent and the most dangerous deceivers are the most adept at this game. In this game, the odds are massively stacked against the man, who can be defrauded and even falsely imprisoned at the mere whim of a woman, without any recourse at all on his part. No thank you. It is better to be alone than to run this risk again.”
Complicit Culture
A surprising number of people are perfectly fine with this dynamic of corrupt and false justice. If it keeps perpetrators off the street, then so what if some men are falsely accused or even falsely imprisoned. It’s the acceptable cost of doing business. Except, it doesn’t appear to be working. There are still more than enough predators to go around. Many actual predators are even released early or not incarcerated. An unintended consequence of this is that fewer men than ever before want to get married, or even date. The risk is not acceptable. Some women have no problem with men checking out but judging from the volume of shrill rants on the internet, there are many women who don’t like it.
Add to this the surprising number of judges, prosecutors and police who themselves have aggressive personality disorders like narcissism or psychopathy. They have high egos, combined with little or no conscience. All that matters to them is winning, controlling people and coming out on top. They have no problems lying, deceiving and manipulating to make sure they win. Truth is optional and used only if it benefits them. Women are perfectly fine employing these psychopaths and narcissists to get what they want without considering what is fair or moral, making them complicit in this entire corrupt system.
American culture and society has made its own bed and now must sleep in it. Alone.