July 2024

A Christian pastor stands before a group of men meeting in the wee hours of the morning prior to beginning work at their various jobs. The men, aged from 20s to 50s, have all committed to attending to learn how to become better husbands. Better fathers. Better men. This morning’s lesson involves being a better husband. The pastor smiles broadly and then proclaims, “Women are like crock pots. Men are like microwaves. Men are always ready for intimacy. Women need to warm up to it during the course of the day. It is just part of women’s biology.” He then proceeds to explain in detail how to romance and cater to a woman throughout the day so that she might be ready for intimacy that evening. If the efforts fail, then it is up to the man to redouble them or discover what was missing and add that. The woman won’t tell him. He should just know. The responsibility is always on him. If the wife does not want to be intimate, then the husband clearly has not loved her correctly.

Fast forward fifteen years. One of these men leaves the West and marries an Asian woman in the Philippines. To his surprise, she is a microwave. He thinks he has perhaps just won the genetic lottery, but in speaking with her over time on the topic and living in the Philippines, he discovers that most of her female friends are like that as well. Indeed, many Asian women in that country appear to be like that. She explains, “In school, we were taught that women are the more passionate and sexual gender. Therefore, we need to take greater measures to guard our purity before marriage.” That statement alone about purity is enough to make a Western feminist’s head explode, but the implications run deeper. If it was part of women’s biology, then why were all these women on the other side of the world biologically different? A different species? Mutation? Hardly. It just means this dynamic is not biological, but cultural. The West has lied to us, gentlemen, and it was deliberate.

This “crock pot” myth is built into many facets of Western society. I hesitate to call it culture, because the West doesn’t even have a culture, just aggressively pushed ideologies. In a nutshell, the myth calls for the man kissing a woman’s posterior up one end and down the other, emptying entire contents of his wallet, providing free labor and protection, plus whatever else the woman requires, for even a small shot at intimacy. Many times, it no longer even has to do with intimacy, but rather is expected from total strangers as the woman’s due for simply existing and gracing the world with her amazing presence. It is infused in everything from mainstream Christian churches to social media simping. Below are some examples of environments and institutions promoting this dynamic.


Modern Western churches actively promote this self-centered, gynocentric world view. They invoke twisted or out of context Bible verses to justify it. The woman being the “weaker vessel” and “husbands love your wives” being some of the more common ones. Note that the complementary point of “wives submit to your husbands” is rarely, if ever, mentioned. Indeed, quoting that verse from the pulpit is all but guaranteed to result of streams of vitriol and condemnation being hurled back at the pastor for his “misogyny.” Churches put it all in the man’s court, even to the point of encouraging women to divorce and take the father’s children away from him if any of the contrived “biblical” requirements for the husband are not met.


Quotas and greased skids for hiring women over men have also become mainstream. Men are fired from jobs over just one unproven statement from a woman. DEI has become a complete joke as more and more unqualified female diversity hires are exposed, the latest being the US Secret Service debacle. Some businesses even overtly tell their HR departments not to hire white men anymore. The term “girl boss” is a high accolade, whereas a man exhibiting the same traits is showing “toxic masculinity.” This is institutionalized gynocentric self-centeredness.


Women in Western universities have entire curriculums, up to PhD level, studying themselves. This is the height of hubris and self-centeredness. A study in solipsism. Women receive scholarships and fellowships for barely passing grades. Boys in public schools and universities are told outright that they are garbage and misogynistic oppressors. Some boys even being made to publicly apologize to their now female superiors for the toxicity inherent in their gender. A boy speaking out is not tolerated. He needs to shut up and know his place as an evil, barely tolerated, second class citizen.


Western governments are the most egregious examples of promoting female superiority at the expense of men. Everything from female affirmative action, to a host of entitlement programs, to divorce laws massively benefiting women at the expense of men, to rampant false accusations by women against men with no repercussions, to slaps on the wrist for women committing the same crimes as men, to codifying women’s “rights” to kill their own unborn. It is all centered on women, yet the government continues to loudly trumpet how oppressed women still are at the hands of “evil” men. All for votes.


The Western media overtly glorifies women at the expense of making men look evil, foolish, incompetent or all three. Even children’s cartoons depict the father of the dog or cat family as a bumbling oaf who has to be rescued by the strong, independent mother, who is also the director or vice president of some company. Like a 6-year-old kid cares about the cartoon mothers’ credentials, but The Message must be pushed at all costs. The father is a barely sentient plaything for the children, who are also wiser and more capable than him … especially the daughters. The father fully accepts his role as the buffoon and butt of jokes. His sole function is comic relief.

It has swung too far now.  Observe the Disney and Marvel movie failures that have pushed strong, female superiority far past what is believable, in juxtaposition to men’s incompetent buffoonery. It has become so unbelievable that the studios are hemorrhaging both money and fans. This has not deterred them from their quest to push The Message.

Social Media

Legions of simps throwing obscene amounts of money at low quality women on Only Fans for the possibility of a tiny morsel of attention. This is just the most egregious example of many. Yes, it is the fault of the men for doing so. It also underscores how ingrained this gynocentrism is into Western men. Many men have had every shred of self-respect programmed out of them and will become sniveling worms just to get a second of attention from a below average woman. Many of these men were raised by single mothers, another self-centered assumption that any woman is a better parent than every man. Again, statistics bear out that this is not the case.

The Verdict

Western detractors will state that Asian women are not microwaves, but women who have been conditioned and forced to cater to men’s desires. Never mind that these women have just as much choice for free agency as Western women. The fact that they choose to be traditional women, an anathema to feminism, is proof in the minds of Western feminists that they are being coerced. The men’s desires to go East are called misogynistic, toxic, oppressive, patriarchal or whatever popular, meaningless buzzword they currently employ in their shaming attempts. Feminists and their male allies claim these men are just oppressive perverts who want to enslave Asian women. Just look at the terms used to describe these men: perverts, predators, oppressors … massive slander just for wanting to marry and care for a woman outside the feminist West and have a family with her. How does this play out statistically? If these cross-cultural relationships are such a danger and bad deal, then surely it must be negatively impacting those places. If Western ideology and women are so much better, then the statistics in the West should reflect that. Right? Wrong.

Fertility Rates

How about fertility rates? Yes, I know. Western feminists and their male allies couldn’t care less about fertility rates, as they are just another facet of patriarchal oppression. They will also spin it as not bringing children into a horrible world … a Western world that enjoys the best standard of living in all of history. Completely illogical. Let me know how that works out for you in 50 years when you progressives and feminists have all died out and the traditional families are all that remain.

The fertility rate of the Philippines, the above example that runs counter to the West, is 2.7. The average fertility rate in the English-speaking West, the biggest proponent of this gynocentric ideology, is 1.55. In fact, you won’t find a single nation in the West (except Israel) that is at or above the minimum sustainable fertility rate of 2.1. Despite the smoke screen of not bringing children into a “bad world, the real reason is self-centeredness of not wanting to inconvenience their lifestyle to care for and raise a child. The same self-centeredness of believing they are a Disney Princess who deserves huge amounts of special treatment inversely proportional to any value they give to the world.

Divorce Rates

Let’s look at divorce rates. The US divorce rate for first time marriages is 40-50%, compared to less than 3% in the Philippines. Yes, divorce in the Philippines is very difficult, however that does not negate the comparison of these two cultures. Throwing that out is simply a red herring by Western progressive who feel every nation should follow their lead. I submit that the women in the Philippines are far less selfish and self-centered than their Western counterparts. They commit to marriage and family as part of their culture. The law reflects that culture. This also extends to the bedroom where they don’t withhold intimacy as a form of leverage to bend the men to their will.

Seventy-five percent or more of divorces in the West are initiated by the woman, mostly giving the reason that they are no longer “happy.” Happiness is something the man almost never has. It is woman who receives a huge monetary reward for divorcing. It is the woman who is almost guaranteed to get the children, and through them additional monetary benefits. It is the woman who is held up by society for being strong and independent for divorcing. It is the woman who is statistically far more likely to abuse the children than the father. It is the woman who is statistically far more likely to alienate the children from their father than vice versa. It is the woman who, as a single parent, produces by far more broken, disturbed and disadvantaged adults than from single father homes. Perhaps the Philippines just disincentivized divorce for women and leveled the playing field because it values the entire family more than just one parent. Perhaps the Filipino culture understands the value of a nuclear family with both parents present. No, it couldn’t possibly be that.

Another cry from Western feminists is that women need divorce to protect them against the horrible abuse and oppression of men. First, why marry an abusive or oppressive man in the first place? Most abusive men show that before marriage, unless a woman marries in a few weeks … in which case it is on her for her impulsivity. Second, that is why they have police and laws. Genuinely abusive men and women should be jailed after it is proven they were abusive. Then divorce can follow from there with a very good reason and chance for being granted.

Abortion Rates

Let’s look at abortion. This will again elicit a cry of outrage from liberals. “My body, my right!” They will call it healthcare. They will call it reproductive rights. They will shame any man who tries to speak against it by claiming he has no right to do so, because he has no uterus. Never mind that the child is his too. In 2021, there were 625,978 abortions in the USA. That’s more than the population of the entire state of Wyoming. That number is only for states that collected data, so the actual number is even higher. No data is available past 2021. Imagine that. Either nobody bothers to collect it anymore, or it is suppressed. 

Abortion is illegal in the Philippines, again raising outrage from Western liberals seeking to impose their views upon the rest of the world. You will find no shortage of Western groups spinning this as a huge danger to women’s lives, who they state are now forced to get illegal abortions that could be botched. Trying to find any statistics on abortion in the Philippines only leads to these progressive groups lamenting the evil of making abortion illegal. However, speak to any woman in the Philippines. Almost all of them love and want children. Almost none of them have ever had an abortion, know anyone who ever had an abortion, or would think of having an abortion. Those who have are looked down upon. Infant lives matter in the Philippines. The core of this argument is that Western women are culturally self-centered to the point of ending the lives of their own children out of convenience, and Filipinas are not.

Final Thoughts

Western ideology has taken the marital intimacy that bonds a husband and wife, and twisted it into a club that women wield over men, both inside marriage and out, to control and use them towards their own ends. Even the Western churches are filled with and complicit in this ideology. The Western legal system has weaponized this ideology to empower women to falsely accuse men of forced intimacy to marginalize and imprison them. If a woman changes her mind or the man fails to deliver, she can make the charges retroactive. The government and media have shamed men and called them monsters for even desiring this intimacy. Women have become brokers of intimacy without commitment, destroying family and replacing it with government and ideology. The West has taken away something as important to men, as men’s resources are to women. As a result, these resources are now also disappearing. Cause and effect. Of course, women can now create their own resources, but judging from how many of them are on Tiktok lamenting having to work the rest of their lives (as men always have), they are not happy about it.

I am not advocating placing women in a position secondary to men, nor do I believe in any sort of male superiority. I believe in equality of opportunity. I do not believe in equity of outcomes. I do not believe in entitlement. I do not believe in traitism. What I am advocating is to stop lying and deceiving to con men into being financial and physical servants without giving them anything they want in return. Also, stop shaming women who want to be traditional. Progressives shriek loudly about tolerance, but extend very little to anyone whose beliefs differ from theirs. In fact, they want to force their beliefs upon others through law.  They also shriek loudly about equality, yet push to place men in a lower, subservient status. Progressives and feminists are hypocrites.

The bottom line is that Western men are no longer engaging with Western women. Marriage rates are the lowest they have been in their recorded history. Most men aren’t dating anymore. Women share a handful of top men who won’t commit to them, while the vast majority or men remain invisible. The women choose to pursue this small handful of men and share them, so why should they commit? That is reality. So why do these same women protest and shame men for seeking out microwaves on foreign shores? For the same reason the crock pot myth has been perpetuated. Western women must remain at the center of everything. Men leaving the West for other women conflicts with Western women’s superior view of themselves. That cannot be tolerated, so they must shame men back onto the plantation. It’s not working ladies.

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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Officially defined as policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals. Except it doesn't include white men. It specifically excludes them while silencing them by calling them racist or misogynists if they object. It organizes traits of the rest of the people according to a notional victim status, with those higher up in the hierarchy gaining privilege at the expense of those below. Grifters calling themselves DEI experts and consultants have extracted millions of dollars from business and government offices promoting this divisive traitism. Reducing social cohesion makes people easier to control. Working in a diverse setting increases, rather than decreases, the breakdown of social trust, even within the same socio-economic class.

Men Going Their Own Way. A general philosophy (not a movement) of men focusing on themselves, rather than playing the rigged Western game of engaging with women and losing their assets and children to them through a legal system biased against men. As with all philosophies, there are some elements that are more radical.

Judging, elevating or favorably treating others by physical characteristics, or traits. Replaces racism due to the fact that there is only one race, human.

The overriding view that women are strong and independent, don’t need men, and are more competent and wiser than men. Men are to realize and admit that they are both inferior and toxic.

Giving too much attention and affection, whether through gifts, compliments, or acts of service as a way of seeking validation from someone else.

Instead of accepting responsibility and facing the uncomfortable situation head-on, the deflectors will try to move the focus from themselves, usually by passing the blame onto someone or something else.

Individuals are confronted with two choices, both of which have negative results. The choices are framed to produce an emotional response in the person, forcing them to choose or look bad. The individual will fail, no matter what choice they make. The abuser will use this as leverage to further manipulate the victim by depicting them as weak, flawed or ineffective.

The manipulative process by which individual or collective freedom of choice and action is compromised by agents or agencies that modify or distort perception, motivation, affect, cognition and/or behavioral outcomes. The person being mind controlled is not aware of the influence process, nor of the changes occurring within themselves. They believe they are acting according to their own choices.

A declaration of an intention or determination to inflict punishment, injury, etc. to frighten and emotionally force a person to do something.

The intentional manipulation of another person’s emotions to induce feelings of guilt. It is a form of emotional blackmail that is often designed to manipulate other people by preying on their emotions and making them feel responsible for something they are not.

Using sarcasm and put-downs to increase fear and self-doubt in the victim. Manipulators use this tactic to make others feel unworthy and therefore defer to them. Manipulators can make one feel ashamed for even daring to challenge them or say no.

Attempting to establish a perceived close bond with someone very quickly to overcome their natural caution and use them for money, resources or work. This is often involves a quick push for friendship or intimacy.

A manipulative tactic where someone portrays themselves as a victim to gain sympathy, attention, or caregiving. The goal is to make the person eliciting pity seem like a victim, which can make it easier to get what they want without being seen as a bad guy. This is because people are naturally inclined to help those they pity.

A woman is simultaneously a victim and empowered, until something happens. Then she chooses which state benefits her the most.

A woman is simultaneously a victim and empowered, until something happens. Then she chooses which state benefits her the most.

A Chad is a stereotypical alpha male. He is depicted as attractive, successful, muscular, cocky and very popular among women. He has a tendency to play the field and will not commit to any woman.

An enabler of a highly narcissistic person or someone with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). A flying monkey is an agent who acts on their behalf.

Projection involves taking an unacceptable part of oneself, disowning it, and placing it onto someone else. The manipulator describes the victim and paints them in a light that more accurately portrays the attacker himself.

Toxic amnesia is a tactic where the perpetrator pretends to not remember abuse, betrayals, lies, and other hurtful and dysfunctional behaviors they've engaged in. Its a form of gaslighting. Its purpose is to make you doubt your perceptions and memories.

Narcissistic rage can be triggered by various situations, such as criticism, perceived rejection, or being ignored. The reaction is often extreme and disproportionate to the event or comment, as the narcissist's fragile ego struggles to cope with the perceived attack on their self-image.

Triangulation is when a toxic or manipulative person, often a person with strong narcissistic traits, brings a third person into their relationship in order to remain in control. There will be limited or no communication between the two triangulated individuals except through the manipulator. It may appear in different forms, but all are about divide and conquer, or playing people against each other.

The action or practice of lavishing someone with attention or affection, especially in order to influence or manipulate them.

Cognitive dissonance refers to a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors. This produces a feeling of mental discomfort leading to an alteration in one of the attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors to reduce the discomfort and restore balance.

To gaslight someone means to manipulate another person into doubting their own perceptions, experiences or understanding of events. ~ American Psychological Association

Because their sense of self is determined by what others think of them, narcissists use relationships for self-enhancement. Everyone must feed them. In addition, they seek validation and attention in their public and professional life. Other people are used as objects in order to provide their supply. For example, they may need constant compliments or applause, more status and money, or may check their appearance in the mirror several times a day. ~ Psychology Today

Fraud that targets people belonging to a particular community or group, typically that in which someone pretends to be a member of the group in order to gain the trust of others.

Second Attack
Second Attack
First Attack
First Attack
Initial Dispositions
Initial Dispositions
ZSU 23-4
ZSU 23-4 Anti-Aircraft Gun
TOW Missile
TOW Anti-Tank Missile
T55 Tank
T55 Tank
SA7 Surface to Air Missile
M113 Armored Personnel Carrier (APC)
M48 Tank
M48 Tank
Hawker Hunter
Hawker Hunter Jet
BTR-50 Armored Personnel Carrier
BM21 Stalin Organ
BM21 Stalin Organ
AT7 Anti-Tank Missile
AT7 Anti-Tank Missile
AT3 Sagger Anti-Tank Missile
AT3 Sagger Anti-Tank Missile
120mm Mortar
120mm Mortar
AT4 Anti-Tank Missile
AT4 Anti-Tank Missile

Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that ‘by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.’ And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.

A religious leader uses valid verses or concepts from the Bible about following and obeying God to generate enthusiasm in people, then misdirects that obedience to himself as a representative of God. The group believes they are following and obeying God, but in reality are obeying the leader.

A fictional, exaggerated version of an opposing viewpoint, especially one that is intentionally created to be easy to dismiss or argue against and to make one's own argument seem stronger. Straw man arguments can be made unintentionally, but most are made on purpose to make the other side seem evil, incompetent, or extremist.

The religious leader distracts members from mentally registering what he is doing.  Screaming praise to God when something he proclaimed does not come to pass.  Acting like a bad thing is really a good thing.  Just keep talking and talking and talking, while ignoring that nothing is happening. It is the same thing politicians have done successfully for years.

The leader calls members flattering adjectives or nouns, like righteous, holy, or saint.  These are often vague and difficult to define, so the member feels the leader’s superior knowledge has recognized something good in them.  Conversely, if the leader later withdraws this praise, the member is eager to toe the line to recover it.

Manipulation of a person or group's emotions in order to make them believe something is factual (or false) in the absence of any evidence. The manipulator tries to draw on the recipient's inward feelings such as fear, pity, or joy with the goal of convincing them that the statements being presented are true or false.

Essentially a black-and-white worldview with the leader as the ultimate moral arbiter. This creates an atmosphere of guilt and shame, where punishment and humiliation are expected. It also sets up an environment wherein members spy and report on one another. Through submission to the guilt-inducing and impossible demand for purity, members lose their moral bearing.

The use of jargon internal to (and only understandable by) the group. Constricting language constricts the person. Capacities for thinking and feeling are significantly reduced. Imagination is no longer a part of life experiences, and the mind atrophies from disuse.

The process whereby the group becomes the ultimate arbiter and all nonbelievers become so-called evil or non-people. If these non-people cannot be recruited, then they can be punished or even killed. This process creates an us-versus-them mentality that breeds fear in followers who learn that life depends on a willingness to obey. This is when individuals merge with the group’s belief.