When someone betrays you, they are showing you exactly where you stand in their hierarchy of values.
~ Jordan Peterson
Below is an excerpt from a talk given by Dr. Jordan Peterson. It underscores a harsh reality that many of us don’t want to acknowledge. Most of us have been betrayed at some point in our lives. Most of us also hope that the person who betrayed us will regret what they did to us and seek to make amends … or at least apologize. Something at our very core desires this, whether it be to rebalance the scales or soothe the pain we feel. Chances are very good that will never happen. People who betray us do so because we don’t matter to them. They couldn’t care less about us. Sometimes they even despise us. This is a very bitter pill to swallow if it was a close friend or even family.
I have experienced betrayal by my own son, my former spouse and even my mother. To put it in context, my mother was a narcissist and my spouse a psychopath. Betrayal by them was a matter of when, not if. My son was under both their influences, but that doesn’t lesson the sting. Nor is it enough reason to let him back into my life. A person who betrays once has shown you what they are capable of doing to you. I’m not saying they cannot change, but they probably won’t. If they do, it will be up to them to restore the relationship with as many years of commitment in word and action as it takes to rebuild at least some of the trust. In my 60+ years of life, I have never once seen a betrayer try to make amends or rebuild trust.
When someone betrays you, they are showing you exactly where you stand in their hierarchy of values. They have weighed the options, considered the consequences, and still decided that whatever they gained by betraying you … social status, financial gain, power, or even just momentary satisfaction … was worth more than your trust, your relationship, and your well being. That is not a mistake. That is a revelation.
Don’t revisit the past to reconnect with those who have harmed you. Time does not heal all wounds. Don’t try to convince yourself that things have changed. The betrayal was not a moment of weakness. It revealed the person’s true character. Time does not alter intentions. Time only reveals that if a person has betrayed you once, it means that at some fundamental level they were willing to discard you when it mattered most. That kind of disregard does not vanish with passing years.
The moment you step back into the life of someone who has betrayed you, you give them the unspoken message that what they did to you had no lasting consequences. Despite their willingness to hurt you, you are still willing to let them back into your life. It gives them permission to betray you again. It shows them that their actions carried no real cost. People who betray others are often not driven by guilt or regret. They are driven by opportunity. If they sense that the door is still open and the past has been erased without accountability, they will see no reason to act any differently than they did before.
Sometimes the people who betray us are those we least expect. Those closest to us. When betrayal comes from those closest to you, it doesn’t just hurt. It changes you. It shakes your very understanding of what it means to be safe, valued, and loved. If you’re not careful, it can plant a seed of doubt in your mind about yourself, about your judgment, and whether you can ever fully trust again. That is why it is absolutely crucial that you do not revisit the places where your trust was shattered.
When someone has betrayed you, they have already made their choice. It is not your responsibility to rewrite their decision, to pretend it never happened, or to give them another chance to do it again. Your responsibility is to yourself, your dignity, your self-respect, and your future. Not all wounds require closure through reconciliation. Some wounds require distance. Some require the strength to walk away and never return. True strength lies not in revisiting the past, but in knowing which doors should remain closed.
Forgiveness does not mean restoration. If someone has betrayed you once, you owe it to yourself never to give them the chance to do it again.