Moving from the West to live in a different culture on the other side of the world has opened my eyes to the many differences in thinking and world views. Experiencing these first hand are very different from reading or hearing about them. You live them every day, all day. Some of these differences surprised me. They were inside me and I didn’t even know I had them.

Walking down another aisle of clothing I turned the corner and found myself looking at a clothing advertisement featuring handsome young man. More specifically a young, Western … white man.

Implicit Programming of Western Men
Implicit programming. I never even heard of it for the first 50 years of my life, much less knew what it was. It is a very potent and effective form of mind control. The victim does not know it is being done to them.

I love my country, but my country doesn’t love me. I am not the only one. Thousands, perhaps millions, of men are doing this. Leaving a country that doesn’t love them, or just checking out and doing the bare minimum to survive.

Is marriage safer in the West? Given the same facts, two people draw radically different conclusions?

The USA has become something very different from what I want or desire. I am at retirement age and really don’t feel like fighting anymore. My best option is to find someplace else that aligns better with my views and beliefs. That’s just the way it is. The USA is still my nation and I will uphold the oath I took decades ago as a military officer. I will still continue to pay taxes and vote. I just want to try living somewhere else.

“All women are the same.” My father told me that when I was a small boy. He was wrong. I thought so then, and I still think so now. A comparison of the typical American woman and typical Filipina gives some insight.

The tactics most of these women use online are simple and easy to spot, if you don’t let your heart or your testosterone cloud your judgment. They don’t have a huge bag of tricks from which to pull tactics, nor are the tactics particularly advanced or psychologically sophisticated. You might see variations on these, but the foundation will usually be the same.

Words I Don’t Hear as an Expat
Since I moved away from the USA and West, here are some of the words I don’t hear anymore … at all … much less on a daily or weekly basis.