Corporation or cult? Manager, or conformist sycophant? Leader or malignant manipulator. Exploring some of the darker aspects of the corporate world.

Corporate Psychopathy – Loading the Language
Corporations use some of the same tactics as psychopaths to influence and control their employees. My own employer aggressively used one of them to try to influence unwilling employees to return to the office after the entire company had transitioned to remote work during COVID.

Applying the BITE Model to the corporation where I recently worked. Are they simply an organization that strives to make a profit while also providing employment to others, or are they using shadowy, manipulative methods to control their employees?

Corporate IT Professionals … Are Not
Many people who I encountered in corporate information technology management during my 25-year career had no business calling themselves professionals. They were empty suits producing little or nothing of value.

Narcissistic actions are hallmarks of executive Corporate America, where they are viewed as confidence, visionary and the ability to make tough decisions. Unfortunately, what they really are in most cases is very convincingly blowing smoke up everyone’s tailpipe.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion. A great thing for the corporate world, right? Perhaps, but not for a white man. See what happens to one who refuses to admit his inherent guilt in front of his intersectional superiors.