Sometimes the people who hurt you the most are those closest to you. Either by chance or by worming their way into your life for the explicit purpose of using you. These articles expose their tactics and behavior.

This note is the final communication from a narcissist to one of his victims. The narcissist ran a high-control religious group and became upset because the victim no longer wanted to meet with them.

Music was another “feeling” she could not experience. She could only understand it as words and noise, so she concentrated on the words to frame her criticisms. She was utterly incapable of understanding the musical part of the equation.

The Making of a Sociopath … or Not
I was raised by two narcissists and subsequently in adult relationships with several more. I was married to a female psychopath for several years. Their tactics are predictable, consistent … and above all they work almost every time. So, why don’t I use them as well?

Looking at a picture of my deceased mother and father, I feel only hatred and shame. Hatred for who they were and what they did to me. Shame because modern culture and religion require loving your parents, no matter the monsters they were or are.

People with malignant personality disorders will often data mine their victims for information they can use to manipulate, control, defraud, and eventually destroy them. Someone who seems genuinely interested in you can be a data miner seeking to use and destroy you. This is the story of one such data miner. Eden, the wife, the mother, and the psychopath.